Tag: RCM Services


CMS Updates End-Stage Renal Disease APM, PPS to Address Health Equity

The End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment Choices Model is the first to undergo changes to directly address health equity—a new goal for CMS-run alternative payment models. The ESRD Treatment Choices (ETC) Model is a mandatory alternative payment model (APM) that encourages greater utilization of home dialysis and kidney transplants for Medicare beneficiaries with the chronic […]

Medicare drops end-stage renal disease payment rule that aims to close health equity gaps

The Biden administration dropped a final rule Friday that will reward providers that improve rates of home dialysis and kidney transplants among low-income Medicare and dual-eligible beneficiaries. The goal of the changes is to encourage dialysis providers to decrease disparities in home dialysis and transplant rates, part of a larger effort by the Biden administration. […]

AHA Calls for Medicare Advantage Inclusion in Prior Authorization Rule

The American Hospital Association (AHA) has asked CMS to include Medicare Advantage organizations in its proposed rule that would streamline the prior authorization process and reduce patient care delays. In December 2020, CMS released a notice of proposed rulemaking about improving prior authorization, following past administrative and clinician struggles. If the rule is finalized, there […]

2022 Medicare Advantage Plan Overview, Part Three: Social Determinants

  “Medicare Advantage plans have a unique and growing opportunity to address the needs of socioeconomically vulnerable populations and improve their health,” reports America’s Health Insurance Plans. More plans for individuals with low incomes, as well as targeted SDOH investments and initiatives, round out carrier approaches. On the benefits side, offerings such as meals, transportation, […]

More Medicare Advantage plans will offer nonmedical benefits in 2022, finds Avalere

  More plans will offer meals, nutrition, transportation or in-home support services at a $0 premium in 2022. Ahead of the annual election period, which began on October 15, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published information on MA and Part D plan (PDP) premiums, benefit offerings and star ratings. Avalere analyzed that data […]

Most Medicare beneficiaries don’t compare coverage options during open enrollment

Since not shopping around can have an impact on enrollees’ coverage and costs, CMS recommends they review and compare plans each year. The numbers are similar across both Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare, with 68% of MA beneficiaries saying they don’t compare medical plans, and 73% of those in traditional Medicare claiming the same. The […]