As an effort to understand what changes hospitals are making in response to COVID-19, HBI is currently surveying revenue cycle professionals on how their organizations have altered, might alter, or will not alter revenue cycle processes. The following are highlights of HBI survey results as of April 3, 2020. We will continue to update these […]
Doctors are fond of complaining that they didn’t go to medical school in order to practice business, but independent physicians do spend much of their time on their practices’ finances. That requires mastering revenue cycle management (RCM), the financial process practices use to administer all the functions associated with claims processing, payment, and revenue generation. […]
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a concept that has moved very quickly from the realm of science fiction into real and practical utility in a number of different industries—including healthcare. One of the most effective applications for AI-powered tools is in the field of revenue cycle management. Sophisticated AI technologies can sift through vast amounts of […]
New patient evaluation and management (E/M) claims are being denied when the patient was previously seen by a specialty physician assistant or specialty nurse practitioner on staff. This is happening when another provider of a different specialty in the same multi-specialty group sees the patient for the first time and bills a new patient E/M […]
OPPS claim edits slated to take effect this month will now start in October to give providers more take to adjust to billing changes for off-campus provider-based departments. CMS is postponing the implementation of outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) claim edits that would require hospitals and health systems with multiple locations to list provider addresses […]
Quality work reduces the burden of the denial management process. When my children were young, they really enjoyed the movie “The Neverending Story.” It’s about a boy who reads a magical book that tells a story of a young warrior whose task is to stop a dark force called “The Nothing” from engulfing a mystical […]
Data was big in revenue cycle challenges long before “Big Data” was a buzzword. The same goes for the challenges that come with it. For years, revenue cycle challenges for leaders have looked for answers to common hurdles like missing or incorrect charges, payment file problems, and data transfer timing delays. Big Data and advanced […]
Hospitals and health systems are exploring ways to revenue cycle transformation processes to offset financial pressures. However, shifting to a new business model for revenue cycle management can be challenging. The hospital revenue cycle has become increasingly complex in recent years for several reasons, including the shift away from fee-for-service medicine, the adoption of advanced […]
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a serious health condition affecting millions of people worldwide. In the United States alone, 15% of adults, or approximately 37 million people, suffer from CKD. This condition, often insidious in its onset, can lead to severe complications and significantly impact quality of life. Key Facts about CKD: Prevalence: More common […]
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a policy change modification to the claims processing logic for Modifier 59 Distinct procedural service (and the optional patient-relationship modifiers XE, XS, XP, and XU) on February 15, 2019. These modifiers are only processed when applied to the Column 2 code in a bundled pair, per Correct Coding Initiative […]