Tag: Virtual Reality

Emerging Trends and Technologies For Healthcare Future

Future of Healthcare Technology: Emerging Trends and Technologies

The healthcare industry is on the brink of transformation, as a multitude of emerging technologies and trends, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, telehealth, and blockchain, are set to revolutionize it. The pace of innovation in healthcare technology is relentless and shows no signs of decelerating. A myriad of emerging technologies and trends, such as […]
AR VR in Healthcare Future

Role of AR/VR in The Future of Care

With a VR headset, live joint images can be recorded, filmed, and recorded continuously as the patient moves, monitoring the motion range. Since points are taken in 3-D space, the incorporation of live imagery and measurement provides more precision, accuracy, and freedom of movement since there are no device constraints. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented […]